
Stacy Algrain

Penser l'après

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Stacy Algrain

Founder, Penser l'après

I am the Founder of Penser l’après. I am a fourth year bachelor’s degree candidate at Kedge Business school, at the end of the year I will thus obtain a a degree in International Business Administration. Planing on applying to a Master’s degree in Environmental Policy, I am passionate about sustainable development and social justice.

During these four years, I had the opportunity to realise a one year exchange at SDSU in California, where I was part of the Sustainability Senate Committee which was aiming at reducing the carbon footprint of the school. Enriched from this experience, I decided to repeat it with a six month exchange in Singapore: the greenest city in Asia. During this time, I have been able to travel extensively in places such as Canada, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and the United States. All of this contributed to my multicultural identity and my ability to understand issues related to foreign cultures. I now aspire to work on social justice issues in developing countries and to make sustainability a universal norm.

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