
Join us

We are a global movement of inspiring education pioneers and learning communities

Join hundreds of committed education pioneers in action!

We gather hundreds of passionate organisations together committed to transforming education. Within the LearningPlanet Alliance, educators, researchers, doers, innovators, decision-makers and learners from all continents come together to celebrate learning and to co-create a more desirable future.

Ways to get involved as an organisation

Become a partner

Interact with a diverse leadership community through year-round events, virtual meetings and action groups. Our partners benefit from visibility, networking and collaboration opportunities offered by the LearningPlanet year-round calendar of worldwide interactions.

Join us

Collaborate with pioneers

Reach hundreds of like-minded organisations to share knowledge, projects and pedagogies. Develop new solutions together. Co-create educational projects that no single organisation could do alone. 

Discover our partners

Join an action group

Explore our innovative communities of practice bringing together Alliance partners around shared priorities: youth empowerment, greening education, local learning ecosystems, etc. Join online sessions and connect with other organisations.  

Organise year-round events

Calling all passionate changemakers and forward-thinking organisations – amplify your impact.

Submit your event

Ways to get involved as an individual

Join us at the LearningPlanet Festival

Come celebrate learning on – and around – the International Day of Education! 

Discover the programme

Become a Youth Fellow

Connect with a growing network of young game changers, collaborate on inspiring topics, and engage with the wider Alliance. 

Learn more and apply

Follow our blog

Stay up-to-date with our interviews, articles and announcements. Are you inspired to contribute? We’d love to hear from you.

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feel free to contact us for media enquiries or any other question: [email protected]