
Selma Bichbich

Together for Blue and Green/MENA Youth Network

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Selma Bichbich


Selma Bichbich is a highly active social and climate youth activist who has devoted herself to promoting positive change and advancing the SDGs. She has been involved in a wide range of programs and organizations, including serving as an SDSN fellow, the previous contact point for the Human Rights Working Group at YOUNGO, and the current focal point of the Environment and Human Rights WG at Major Group for children and youth in addition for being the GST Communication Officer at SDG7 Youth Consistency.

In addition, Selma is a board member and co-founder of the MENA Youth Network, founder of the Together for Blue and Green youth-led initiative (NGO) in Algeria, and a Max Thabiso Edkins Global Climate Ambassador. She also represents North Africa at the Global Youth Leadership Council in the EarthUprising NGO, a previous delegate at COP27.

She has been invited by Prima to discuss the future of water in the Mediterranean at the UN Water Conference, given the fact that she has made several contributions to numerous EU programs and events, the reason why she will be hosting host a side event at the Youth&Children pavilion during Cop28 to explore the challenges faced in the Mediterranean region and discuss strategies for achieving unity.

Selma has participated in several international events, including serving as the delegate of Algeria at the PreCop26 Youth4Climate Summit in both Milan and New York editions. She also organized the first edition of the MENA Youth Environmental Assembly in collaboration with YOUNGO, the Swedish Institute, and Peace First, she is also a board member of the MENA Coalition on Youth, Peace, and Security and ProVeg NGO.

She was nominated to represent Africa at the Informal Regional Dialogues with UNFCCC Constituencies at Cop27. Additionally, Selma is one of the CUNCR (Center of United Nations Constitutional Research) delegates.

Currently based in Lebanon, Selma is working on a new environmental campaign to ban the use of Plastic bottles inside AUB which is under the approval to be turned into a policy inside campus. She was also among the funded youth to attend the Stockholm+50 conference and organized a side event as the contact point of the HR WG with YOUNGO.

Furthermore, Selma has been nominated and funded by UNEP to attend the SAICM IP4.2, where she contributed to drafting the final declaration of the use of chemicals in the region.
Her extensive experience and dedication to climate activism make her a valuable asset in the fight against climate change.

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