
WeLearn: an AI-powered sustainability learning & research tool

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Here at the Learning Planet Institute, our mission is to explore, research and share new ways of learning and cooperating. WeLearn is a prototype of an AI-powered learning platform built on validated resources related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To validate user needs and collect initial feedback, we are starting a phase of alpha testing of the WeLearn prototype.

WeLearn’s main features allow users to navigate its resources in two ways:
1. The WeLearn assistant, a conversational interface using generative AI that only pulls information from WeLearn’s library of resources to generate sourced answers.
2. Its streamlined search interface, which enables users to quickly find resources in the WeLearn library that are most similar to their input text. The resources on WeLearn are tagged by SDG, and users can narrow their search based on their needs.

Join us for a live demonstration of the WeLearn prototype and the opportunity to collaborate with other participants to test it in a given context. At the end of the session, participants may present their use case and experience using WeLearn. Participants’ insights and feedback will play an important role in shaping the future of WeLearn.

Jan 25, 2024

From 10:00 to 11:00 - UTC

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Sustainable Development Goals

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